Teaching the True Meaning of Easter

Over the past few years, I have really enjoyed gathering and building some great tools for teaching my children the true meaning of Easter.  I wanted to compile on this post my whole tool chest so that it's all in one place.

To start off with, I found the most exciting directions for how to lead a Passover Seder for Christian families in Thriving Family magazine.  Thankfully, they also have an online version I can share with you. Traditionally, Jewish families celebrate a Seder during their Passover celebrations to tell the story of how God freed the Jews from Egyptian slavery.  For Christians, there are many ways that the rituals of the Seder also illustrate the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Here is a link that will help you learn how we hosted our first Passover Seder.

Here are the links to the other Easter teaching tools I have used:

Resurrection Cookies Recipe

Easter Week  (includes daily activities for the week before Easter)

I hope I'm posting this early enough this year for some other parents who had expressed interest to gather the materials and do some of these simple daily lessons with the kids.  My kids loved them.

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